CA: DA drops serial rape charges against reality TV doctor and girlfriend, saying case was ‘manufactured’

[ – 2/5/20]

California prosecutors are dropping all charges against an Orange County surgeon and his girlfriend after concluding that the previous district attorney “manufactured” the high-profile 2018 case in which the couple was accused of serially drugging and raping women.

Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer said in a news release Tuesday that after his office reviewed the case, investigators found “no provable evidence” to support the charges against ____ a 39-year-old orthopedic surgeon and former reality TV star, and his girlfriend _____, a 33-year-old dance instructor.

The decision caps a key part of a lengthy legal saga that drew international headlines for the splashy details befitting Robicheaux’s status as a short-lived reality TV star on the Bravo dating show, “Online Dating Rituals of the American Male.”

Spitzer said his predecessor, former Orange County district attorney Tony Rackauckas, used the case to drum up publicity for his 2018 reelection bid — which Rackauckas ultimately lost to Spitzer.

Rackauckas alleged at the time that Robicheaux and Riley used their good looks and charm to meet women at bars and parties before incapacitating then with date-rape drugs or alcohol and then raping them at Robicheaux’s apartment. Rackauckas pursued the case based on allegations that more than 1,000 videos and photos showed the pair sexually assaulting scores of women.
Spitzer said Tuesday that two veteran sexual assault prosecutors who spent more than three months fully reviewing the case turned up no such evidence.

“There is not a single piece of evidence or video or photo that shows an unconscious or incapacitated woman being sexually assaulted. Not one,” Spitzer said in a Tuesday news conference announcing the case’s dismissal.

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I actually saw this some years back. I thought the guy was done! I can only wonder how this has affected him as a person/professional and what not. When I had my illegal issue almost 22 plus years ago, I was arrested and charged with (3) sexual assault, (2) counts of robbery. They initially thought I was involved with 2 cases! Then, there was supposed to be a witness. When it was all over (LA), all charges where dismissed/the 2nd case was clearly false (no ID/DNA/Fingerprints) etc. They also found the individual whom I had contact with was being dishonest. I plead to a battery/LA time. I filed my COR in OC. They DA was out of control. They brought the person (had no idea who they where) 2nd charge (false/dropped) to court? Lied? It was nuts. My request was denied. Crazy OC

Furthermore, the New DA of OC was pretty involved in making this happen. He made a few comments regarding Tony Rackauckas. So, lets hope that things change in OC and per my old Attorney, they don’t typically drop charges in OC! Lets stay positive, focused and do the right thing.

Will this come witha heartfelt apology from the court that convicted him?

Sue, sue, sue, sue, sue, sue, sue…

District attorneys are more than out of control. They want the job and the money and the votes and they won’t stop for the falsely accused. Many just don’t care whose image they have to ruin. They don’t care about the struggle that person will have to go through or that of their family.

Some of them are gunning to be judges themselves so they can be on the inside to pick off cases. They’re infiltrating the courts, preempting the “good” judges that are trying to help. They get their pals in the legislature to pass laws to keep hindering registrants.

This is what you have to deal with when you’ve been falsely accused.

Like Gomer pyle would say surprise surprise!!! Cops can lie to you AND about you!! But you can’t lie too the COPS!! Well you should never even talk too them EVER!!!! I have put this video up many of times and you all need too pass it long!!! You all need too watch this and keep your 👄 shut

We should commend the DA for doing the right thing. This would be a wonderful opportunity for us to reach out to him and share our agenda. Tony Raukaubas is gone and let’s hope this is the beginning of change